How To Keep Data Organized With Sorting And Filters ?
There are four phases of analysis:
Organize data
Format and adjust data
Get input from others
- Transform data
In this reading, you will learn the difference between sorting and filtering. You will also be introduced to how a particular form of sorting is done in a pivot table.
Sorting versus filtering
Filtering is used when you are only interested in seeing data that meets a specific criteria, and hiding the rest. Filtering is really useful when you have lots of data. You can save time by zeroing in on the data that is really important or the data that has bugs or errors. Most spreadsheets and SQL databases allow you to filter your data in a variety of ways. Filtering gives you the ability to find what you are looking for without too much effort.
For example, if you are only interested in finding out who watched movies in October, you could use a filter on the dates so only the records for movies watched in October are displayed. Then, you could check out the names of the people to figure out who watched movies in October.
To recap, the easiest way to remember the difference between sorting and filtering is that you can use sort to quickly order the data, and filter to display only the data that meets the criteria that you have chosen. Use filtering when you need to reduce the amount of data that is displayed.
It is important to point out that, after you filter data, you can sort the filtered data, too. If you revisit the example of finding out who watched movies in October, after you have filtered for the movies seen in October, you can then sort the names of the people who watched those movies in alphabetical order.
Sorting in a pivot table
Items in the row and column areas of a pivot table are sorted in ascending order by any custom list first. For example, if your list contains days of the week, the pivot table allows weekday and month names to sort like this: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. rather than alphabetically like this: Friday, Monday, Saturday, etc.
If the items aren’t in a custom list, they will be sorted in ascending order by default. But, if you sort in descending order, you are setting up a rule that controls how the field is sorted even after new data fields are added.
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